Researcher are increasingly interested in a class of organisms called mycoplasmas. They are difficult to detect, to culture in a lab and to treat but may be the cause of a lot of disease. Neuromodulation may be able to help your immune system more accurately identify and address these organisms.
Mycolplasmas Linked to Variety of Diseases
There is a growing awareness among doctors and researchers of a group of organisms that may be the cause of many chronic illnesses and autoimmune diseases that have stumped medical science for years. This group of organisms, called mycoplasma, has been linked to a huge variety of diseases, most of which have no known medical cure. Patients with fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, asthma, allergies, Alzheimer's, irritable bowel syndrome, Crohn's, colitis, AIDS, MS, ALS, migraines, depression, leukemia, and many others have all been found to be infected with these microorganisms.Over 200 Different Mycoplasmas Implicated
Why have you never heard of these organisms? Although science has known of their existence since the Pasteur Institute discovered them in 1898, it wasn't until the late 1950s that they were found to cause disease, and not until recently that the extent of their involvement was discovered. Now over 200 hundred different mycoplasmas have been found to be related to various chronic illnesses. Another reason you may never have heard of them is they are difficult to grow in a laboratory and, therefore, very difficult for your doctor to diagnose. And if they are found to be present in your body, there is very little your doctor can do about it.The Immune System Struggles to See Them
Mycoplasmas present several particular problems for the body. Unlike bacteria, they lack cell walls and, therefore, have no cell markers. It is these markers our immune system looks at to determine if a cell is good or bad. Without the cell wall, mycoplasmas can hide from the immune system. This is why they are often called "stealth pathogens." Just as the stealth bomber can fly under the military radar, stealth pathogens can fly under the immune system radar.Just as the stealth bomber can fly under the military radar, stealth pathogens can fly under the immune system radar.Instead of cell walls, mycoplasmas are surrounded by plasma membranes. They can enter a cell and live virtually undetected for long periods of time causing slow progressive diseases. The same mycoplasma can infect a variety of different cells in the body causing a variety of diseases. For example, mycoplasma pneumoniae can cause a type of pneumonia when it infects the lungs and coronary heart disease when it infects the heart. In fact this one organism has been implicated in more than fifteen different diseases. In 1997 the Centers for Disease Control reported this fact saying". . . mycoplasmas by themselves can cause acute and chronic diseases at multiple sites with wide-ranging complications and . . . have been linked as a cofactor to AIDS . . ., to malignant transformation, chromosomal aberrations, the Gulf War Syndrome, and other unexplained and complex illnesses, including chronic fatigue syndrome, Crohn's disease, and various arthritides." Doctors and researchers alike are searching for answers to the plagues of chronic illnesses these organisms are likely causing. So far medications have proven only moderately effective. In the case of rheumatoid arthritis a six month course of antibiotics has shown to be of some benefit. However, in most cases there are no medications available for the treatment of these organisms.
Patients Report Success With Neuromodulation
There are, however, some reports of success for patients with these diseases in the realm of alternative medicine. Nutritional supplementation frequently enables patients' immune systems to function more effectively. Other alternative protocols, such as neuromodulation therapy, have been reported to be helpful in the care of these patients. In case after case, people with diseases that may be caused by mycoplasmas have reported great success with neuromodulation technique. If you or a loved one is suffering with a chronic illness, it would be advisable to make an appointment to discuss possible options.TAINTED HERBS
Labeling and marketing sometimes bear little resemblance to products sold on the shelves at stores or on online. At times these disparities can be dangerous. When buying supplements, a good rule of thumb is to consult your natural health care provider. He or she has likely done the homework necessary to determine the high quality you need.
Herbs purchased online found to contain arsenic, other toxins
Researchers at Boston University School of Medicine have found that one fifth of both U.S.-manufactured and Indian-manufactured Ayurvedic herbs purchased via the Internet contain lead, mercury or arsenic.
This is one of many research efforts that have shown manufacturers of nutritional supplements do not always provide accurate information on their labels. At times supplements are found to contain far less of the active ingredients than claimed. At other times, harmful ingredients, such as lead and mercury, are found mixed in with the good.
Not unique to supplement industry
Mislabeling isn't a problem unique to the nutritional supplement industry. Just recently some brands of extra-virgin olive oil were found to contain as little as 10 percent olive oil. Despite the fact that the label read 100 percent pure extra-virgin olive oil, one brand contained 90 percent soybean oil. Sadly, identifying the best quality foods and supplements is not as easy as looking at the label.
At times supplements are found to contain far less of the active ingredients than claimed.
The best way to make certain you are buying the best quality supplements is to buy them through a healthcare practitioner. In most cases your healthcare practitioner will have done the homework for you. Although it may seem like you are paying a bit more than you might pay at a health food store for a similar product, you can be assured you are getting the best quality for your money.
Check the label
Apart from your healthcare provider's recommendations, you can look for the words "GMP Certified" on the label of a product. This indicates that the manufacturing facility in which the product was made is certified for good manufacturing practices by the National Products Association, the National Sanitation Foundation, and the Therapeutic Goods Administration to ensure the highest quality standards. Certain other products like fish oils may be "purity certified" by a third-party laboratory.
Many manufacturers have independent labs perform assays on production lots to assure what is on the label is actually what you are getting in the supplement. It is a good idea to contact the company and find out if this is standard protocol for their products.
Never assume just because it is on the label it is in the supplement. If you don't rely on your healthcare provider for such assurance, be sure to do your own homework.
The natural state of the body is good health. If your health has failed, then the normal mechanisms designed to restore your health have failed. Identifying why this failure has occurred is more important than identifying which labeled box your condition fits best in.
Deep Down You Know You Can
Your body has the inborn ability to heal or cure itself. There is a great likelihood that at this very moment your body is identifying mutated cells or cancer cells and efficiently destroying them. Your immune system is simultaneously and similarly engaged in a fight against potentially deadly organisms. You were marvelously designed. If any system of your body becomes unbalanced resulting in pain or disease, you have within yourself all the processes and mechanisms required to restore you to a pain-free and healthy state. Intuitively, all of you reading this today know this to be true.A Label Changes Everything
Unfortunately, thousands of you are suffering with very devastating conditions-conditions that have been given a label. Some of you have been labeled with fibromyalgia, others diabetes, asthma, ADD, depression, chronic fatigue, allergies, or hypothyroidism. There are thousands of labels and some of you have been given many. These labels somehow change everything. Once labeled, your conditions suddenly become too difficult for the body to handle. You somehow lose the innate understanding that your body was designed to cure itself.Why Do You Accept Your Labels?
Many of you have been told, "There are no known causes, and no known cures, for what you have." Then, in the same breath, you have been told, "You must take this drug for the rest of your life."The most reliable source for what is causing the migraines is you.This is dogmatically taught to you and reinforced every day, as you read the newspaper, watch commercials, and listen to the news. You have a diagnosis, a label and a drug you must take.