Neuromodulation is a new and powerful system of healing that combines accepted principles of western medicine with healing principles from thousands of years old.
What Causes Disease? In order to understand how neuromodulation corrects disease and resolves pain, it is essential to first understand what causes disease. The normal state of the body is good health and that the body has the ability to heal itself from nearly any condition. If the body fails to heal itself from injury or insult, it follows that there is something wrong with its normal control systems. There is some confusion in the system making it impossible to regulate the body back to its normal healthy state.
This confusion in the body's control center or Automatic Control System (ACS) can occur as a result of many different factors. The following is a list of some of the most common causes of this confusion.
- Autoimmune disease--miscommunications of the nervous system cause our own immune system to attack our own tissues.
- Errors in sensitivity settings--Nerves can be mistakenly set to fire too easily causing pain or symptoms during normal activities much like an alarm system that goes off all the time by mistake.
- Toxic agents--Pesticides, industrial chemicals, and heavy metals block essential chemical reactions of the body.
- Unrecognized infectious agents--"Sneaky" microorganisms hide from the immune system resulting ineffective immune system attacks.
- Exogenous analogs--Environmental chemicals can mimic our body's hormones and confuse endocrine (hormonal) function.
- Altered genomic patterns--Mutated body cells no longer perform normal body functions.
- Pernicious synaptic patterning--Errors in nervous system data recording impair normal regulation of body functions.
What is Neuromodulation (NMT)? At its most basic, NMT is a safe, effective and rapid method of restoring the body's ability to heal itself. This is accomplished by correcting faults or errors in the control systems of the body. In essence, NMT trains or reprograms the control systems of the body to correct the causes of disease in a natural way.It is helpful to look at the nervous system as a very sophisticated "bio-computer." Just like your home computer, your bio-computer occasionally will need repair as data become corrupted.
A good computer technician will access information deep within the operating system of the computer in places you and I could never find, assess the problem, and then correct the errors.
This is precisely how a good neuromodulation practitioner addresses a health problem. He or she will access information deep within the operating system of the body using a clinically friendly method of "Muscle Response Testing". Like a lie detector, this method of testing measures involuntary changes in the body in response to questions. It reveals information that the patient is consciously unaware of, allowing the practitioner to assess the control system errors that cause pain and disease. The practitioner then uses specific corrective statements to train the control systems toward normal function.
How does NMT Resolve Pain in the Body? Some diseases result from errors in the sensitivity setting of sensors that tell the nervous system what is happening in the body, and in the processing of information from these sensors. Imagine what happens if a pain, or a stretch sensor in a foot, shoulder, or spine is set to trigger too easily. What if that message is unnecessarily amplified in the central nervous system? This can produce a condition of chronic pain and stiffness that NMT rapidly corrects by optimally resetting the nervous system.
Conditions that have not responded to drugs, exercise, or physical therapy usually respond well to NMT. Even the most difficult of such conditions typically show marked improvement. Patients are often startled by how rapidly and completely their pain diminishes-often before they leave the office.
NMT also recognizes the harmful effects on our health when our "bio-computer" makes errors in data processing that involve the emotional and psychological aspects of the nervous system. NMT has developed the concept of "Pernicious Synaptic Patterning" (PSPs). These are erroneous recordings of patterns of data in the nervous system that compromise our brain's information processing system. NMT very rapidly identifies these patterns and gives the control systems the instructions it needs to eliminate the PSPs. Many conditions involve PSPs and their correction with NMT is essential to a complete recovery.
How long will it take before I am better? Cost is usually the underlying concern when we are asked this question. No one wants to pay a lot of money and invest a lot of time if they aren't going to get better. Any treatment is expensive if it doesn't work. On the other hand, if it works and you get better it is worth any amount of money.
The exciting thing about NMT is how quickly patients see results. About most of our patients recognize some improvement even after the very first session and continue to see regular progress throughout the course of care.
Every body and every condition is unique. The best that we can therefore tell you is that you will know within a short period of time whether NMT is the answer to your health problems.
Who is a Good Candidate for NMT? NMT is non-invasive, non-force, and completely painless and can therefore be performed on anyone. Some patients are infants only a few weeks old who present with food allergies or infectious conditions. They are treated without so much as a whimper. Patients in the 80's and 90's with conditions like osteoporosis or arthritis enjoy the gentle corrections with no discomfort. Pregnant women who cannot take drugs can benefit greatly from NMT.
Is NMT Compatible With the Care My Medical Doctor Provides? NMT does not require you to discontinue any care your current medical doctor is providing, nor does it conflict with any medical care that you are currently receiving. It is, however, our goal to avoid surgeries and get you so healthy that you no longer need your medications.
How is an NMT Session Performed? NMT is safe, gentle and effective. In performing this painless technique the practitioner and patient usually face one another with the patient seated on a backless swivel chair. The practitioner will ask the patient specific questions regarding the causes of disease. The patient responds to the query through an involuntary change in muscle tone, which the practitioner can easily measure. This response comes from an area of the nervous system called the autonomic nervous system that is constantly monitoring and regulating body controls like blood pressure, temperature, and blood sugar. The practitioner then gives a verbal corrective statement that essentially reprograms the control systems to correct errors in function. The patient is then asked to turn his/her back to the practitioner and perform a patterned breathing cycle while the practitioner uses the FDA approved Arthrostim instrument to stimulate nerves of the spine with a series of gentle taps.
How Does NMT Correct Disease? Most Chronic degenerative diseases result from confusion of the body's immune system in which the immune system can not tell the difference between our "self" tissue and foreign invaders to the body. The result is that the immune system attacks our own tissue. The "foreign invaders" may be substances that trigger an allergic response, or it may be microorganisms. The particular disease that develops depends on what tissues are targeted by the immune system, If connective tissues are attacked, the result is rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, Sjorgen's disease, fibromyalgia and related conditions. If the targeted tissue is the nervous system it may be multiple sclerosis (MS), ALS, and other degenerative nervous system diseases. If the target is the gastointestinal system the result may be diseases like irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), Crohns disease, etc. Conditions like hypoglycemia, diabetes, hypothyroidism, and adrenal exhaustion can result when the endocrine system is targeted.
These errors of immune system function can happen as a result of various types of allergy, and also from the presence of some types of pathogenic organisms. Organisms known as "stealth pathogens" "nanobacteria", or "cell wall deficient forms" may go unrecognized in the body by the immune system-instead provoking the immune systems into a generalized inflammatory response that harms our own tissues. Reprogramming the immune system to recognize these pathogens allows them to be identified and destroyed, and permits these autoimmune conditions to heal.
NMT is also a very rapid and effective way of correcting all allergies-not only those to foods, inhalants, and other external substances, but to body tissues and body chemicals. Allergy is really and error in "labeling" of incoming sensation that tells us we have been exposed to some material. This error provokes the immune system into a defensive response that result in the allergy symptoms we experience. NMT attempts to correct the erroneous "labeling", and thereby stops the allergy behavior. NMT addresses the faulty process at the heart of all allergies-so it is usually much faster and more effective than methods that require treatment of each allergen.
Similarly, NMT is used to cause the body to recognize external toxins or chemicals that mimic body hormones or prevent our enzyme systems to work properly. Toxins such as heavy metals are known to cause many illnesses. The NMT process instructs the body to purge these harmful substances from the tissues and eliminate them.